A Medical Update

Hello friends,

We wanted to send you an update about some medical situations that Joey is currently facing.

This past week Joey took some time to meet with doctors in Atlanta regarding his heart and a few skin spots.

He has regularly visited the heart doctor this past year after his hernia surgery. He had a stress test this week and it suggested a blockage, so we have scheduled a heart catheterization for the end of August. There is also the possibility of putting in a stent if needed.

The doctor said normal hearts operate at 55-70% and Joey’s is working at 30%. We appreciate your prayers over this procedure and his heart. Joey continues to strive towards a healthy lifestyle drinking lots of water, walking 4-5 miles a day, and eating right. He appreciates so many of you encouraging him on this journey! 

Joey also went to the dermatologist after noticing a spot developing on his nose. After evaluation, the doctor found that spot, one on his back, and one on his leg to show signs of being cancerous. They were taken for biopsy and we just received the results. One is nothing, one will be frozen off, and the other needs surgery to be removed. Joey will have surgery on his nose on August 18th to remove this spot. We appreciate your prayers over this surgery as it is not a simple one. Joey wears long sleeves even in high temperatures and is always seen with his big hats, but the sun is hard to avoid in many of his trip locations. 

We are sending this email not to scare you, but to ask that you cover Joey and our missions in prayer. We are thankful for doctors and the opportunity to get ahead of these issues. We are thankful for each of you and how faithfully you pray for JPM. We may be a little biased but most 66 year olds would not choose the lifestyle of 3rd world missions, but Joey continues to rely on the Lord for his strength and provision and will continue to serve the Lord with JPM for as long as He wills. 

Below you'll see a link to JPM's anthem song "We Are", written and produced by our friends: The Sheridans! We ask that you listen to this song and pray over Joey and Joey Potter Missions.

This song challenges us: "we are called to be the hope, the hands, the feet of Christ... speak up and use your voices..." In light of this, we ask that you use your voice and your platform to share JPM and our work this week! Consider sharing this video on your social media along with why you support and believe in JPM.

Thank you again for your prayers and support!

In prayer,

The Potter Family


be ready
