Gratitude & More

Hello friends,

Sydney here 👋🏻.

I take some time each week to review Joey’s facebook posts and discover what he’s done the previous week mission-wise. He usually has JPM updates and words of encouragement. I then take those updates and put them on the now Highlights page of the JPM website.

As I sat down and began to review his recent updates, I saw an array of images of young girls from the Navajo Reservation. I read Joey’s caption, “prayers for running water; to have a bathroom, a sink, & kitchen with running water (hot water)...

I was immediately convicted.

I recalled that just a few minutes ago I was driving in my newly leased car to my local Starbucks to sip on my overpriced luxury drink.

I recognized that I was sitting outside in gorgeous 75º weather to work from my laptop, listen to movie music and I was *stunned*.

Something I do regularly was suddenly so impressive to me in light of what others are facing.

Now, I wasn’t convicted about my situation. I was convicted that just days and hours leading up to that moment, I was stressing and complaining about how difficult it is to buy a house in today’s market.

Now let me be clear: it isn’t wrong for us to have nice things or acknowledge difficulties we face (no matter how big or small). However, it is a problem when we choose to complain about what we don’t have rather than be grateful for what we do have.

Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” 

The dichotomy of reading about a family with no running water while my water works just fine and gets plenty hot, but isn’t coming to me in a 3,000 square foot new construction home was not lost on me. I had been so consumed with what I didn’t have that I was immediately aware of how incredibly grateful I should be. The Bible is clear that we are to seek Jesus first. Seek His Kingdom and His righteousness. 

In this instance, seeking Jesus first looks like being grateful for what I have and knowing I can boldly ask for more. It's both/and, not either/or. God cares about my desire for a bigger home, but most importantly, He wants my heart, and He wants yours, too.

JPM was in Kenya, Africa earlier this month aiding African Hope in the purchase of $10,000 worth of flour and oil for food production. This amount is by no means excessive as Africa is facing a devastating drought and they need all the help they can get. These supplies fed two schools and the surrounding community for which we will also be drilling a well this coming September 2023! You are invited to come and see God on this mission trip

We did a pit stop in Thoreau, New Mexico last weekend to plan our JPM Navajo Children’s Camp (happening the first week of August). We invite you to join us in serving on this mission! We also ask for prayer as we are experiencing many obstacles in implementing our Navajo Water Systems. We are glad to share that we have friends in Southwest VA coming to install a water line to provide running water. This will be the first time this family will have had running water in their home in many years. 

JPM is in Tecate, Mexico this week. This will be the first year in many years that we will not provide a Tecate Summer Camp; however, this is actually great news as the local churches have naturally begun to host their own summer camps - 3 in total! This is the ultimate goal! That the communities we serve will ultimately become self-sufficient not just financially, but also in leadership and reaching their community for Jesus!

Finally, we will be returning to Roatan Island, Honduras at the beginning of June. We are attempting to bring several pallets of peanut butter to provide a healthier choice of protein for these families. We will also follow up about sweet Taylor who struggles with crippled legs and a mother who refuses his medical treatment. You can read his story here. 

Joey has asked that we continue to pray specifically about a vehicle for JPM. We are looking for a 2016-2020 SUV. Thank you for partnering with us in prayer. 

Thank you for your steadfast faith, prayers and blessings.

May God continue to bless you and may you see it more and more,

Joey & Cathy


not IF but WHEN


You are the light