September 2021
Our journey with Nyail began in September of 2021. We met him when Andrew Lee and Joey were serving in Oak Ridge Roatan Island with Pastor David & Heather Granada. Nyail just showed up beside Andrew unannounced and stayed by his side, holding his hand everywhere we went. Andrew loved Nyail that day and Nyail has been with us ever since!
Nyail is the youngest of 11 children. He was 5 years old when we first met him. The first thing you notice when you approach Nyail’s home is the smell of stagnant lake water and sewer beneath the house. They literally live above a sewer. The smell is tremendously strong and dangerous. While visiting, JPM removed the kids and fed them in another location.
Nyail lives and walks these wooden bridges above the sewers. He and his friends play on grounds where the sewers come and go.
It is hard to imagine that there are no other options for Nyail and his siblings as well as the others that live near them. JPM continues to seek God’s refuge and delivery of this place! We will return in November with more food and prayerfully with medical supplies to battle the infections and diseases affecting these children.
If you zoom in, you can see there is a little girl bathing under the house in cold water. We pray the water is clean for we do not know. We do know the ground where she stands is where sewer stands and dries after the high tides leaves from under their homes.
In this family, the older siblings take care of the younger. Pictured here: Nyail's older brother (12) & sister (10).
November 2021
We returned to Honduras and got to see Nyail and his siblings again as promised! Many of you prayed and donated for Nyail (now 6 years old) and it shows!
When we found him, Nyail seemed to have been lost in the shuffle of eleven children. He had no shoes, sores on his skin, patchy hair showing signs of lack of food (let alone healthy food). When we left, we asked local missionaries and pastors to watch over him.
We are so grateful to see that in our absence, Nyail has been well fed, cared for and loved on by local missionaries, churches and pastors: David and Heather. You can see the miraculous physical changes in him! He is also enrolled and attending school.
As thankful as we are for these physical (and surely emotional) improvements in Nyail, we still desire to move this group of people out of their current living situation: a two room shack over a sewer with no electricity or running water. We have a location picked out directly through the woods.
Our mission involves two main things:
FEED this village and find WORK for them to become more self-sustainable.
MOVE this village to a safer location.
Please PRAY!
May 2022
We returned to Roatan Island, Honduras this spring/summer and got to see Nyail!
Living conditions are still not suitable for Nyail and his family; however, we are happy to report that the family’s water source is back! They currently have running water for bathing and such, and we praise God for that!
Nyail's walkway to and from home rests in Oak Ridge Community which sits above a septic marsh. This is where the tide comes in bringing sewage and disease. This is extremely dangerous and an issue which we are still fervently looking to resolve.
Please continue to pray about removal and relocation options for this village!
June 2023
We are glad to share that Nyail is doing well. Our partnership with local missionaries, David & Heather Granada, and Travis & Trish, have allowed us to collectively help Nyail in ways we never could have on our own.
Nyail will complete his grade this year.
We financially supports a specific neighbor who ensures Nyail gets at least 2 meals per day as well as transportation to and from school.
Nyail is doing much better, but still has gaps that need to be closed. He still lives, plays, and travels amongst the sewer system. He could be better cared for (his parent’s are absent). Please continue to pray for sweet Nyail!
Checkout Nyail’s new bike! He’s a pro!!
September 2023
Sweet Nyail saying a prayer ♥️