December 2022
Joey and the mission team first came across Taylor and his family at the end of December 2022 (the last JPM mission of 2022). Taylor was sitting on a concrete slab on the side of the road among stray dogs, using a large nail as his “toy”. He was covered in dirt and scabs.
The first thing you'll likely notice about Taylor are his disfigured legs and feet. The next thing you’ll notice are his big beautiful brown eyes and curly blonde hair.
When we found Taylor, he was with his family who were attempting to gather fruit to avoid starvation. Joey and the mission team were moved to help Taylor and his family.
At this time, we are seeking direction and counsel in how to help with Taylor’s legs. We need proper medical attention to begin correcting his legs, so if you have any guidance or help in this field, then please contact us directly. Thank you!
Please pray for this family who is literally starving and in worse condition than the dogs who beg for scraps alongside them.
January 2023
We have partnered with Pastor David and Heather Granada to ensure Taylor gets to and from his doctor’s appointments to begin treating his legs.
Please pray over Taylor as his mother is refusing to bring her son to be taken to see a specialist (whom the Granadas had tediously arranged, scheduled and planned for). The mother is trafficking Taylor in the sense that he is more valuable to her “crippled” than well. People are more likely to help them when they see his legs.
Please pray for Taylor, his mother, and for us as we try to share Jesus with Taylor’s mom. She trusts in what she sees. She knows no other way.
God worked through the perseverance and determination of our local missionary friends, the Granadas, and Taylor miraculously made it to see the specialists today!
They declared that he is malnourished, has an infection, and of course a deformity in his legs.
We are asking for prayers over this process as JPM is officially partnering with the Granadas to oversee the care and costs to help fix Taylor’s legs.
Please continue to pray for this process and for provision to continually cover the costs of Taylor’s healing!
We want to see healing in his legs and healing in this family!
Please pray for Taylor. We share in the victory that he has begun treatment to correct his legs, but if you’ve ever healed from anything, you know that healing is painful. It has been a very painful and difficult day indeed for this sweet baby toddler, but he is on his way to a healthier, wholer life!
A special thank you to David and Heather Granada for transporting Taylor and his mother to receive this care! Transportation is something they’ll require at least twice/week for the next two months.
February 2023
Missed appointments… Taylor’s mother is unpredictable and chose not to bring Taylor to be taken for his appointments last week. His treatment must be consistent to be effective. PLEASE PRAY 🙏🏽
Taylor’s dirty face, hair and body… his diaper is so full, it’s hard to know how long since it’s been changed. On the positive side, his hair color is coming back. He is mobile - able to pull himself up to stand. We’ve even been told he is “crawling with energy”. This is due to provisions through JPM Partners! It’s incredible how quickly a child can begin to turn around when they are given the proper nourishment!
Please continue to pray for Taylor’s healing journey. The house he stays in has no water or electricity, nor food except when we can help.
We regret to share that Taylor’s mother, Crystal, has now cut off Taylor’s casts not once, but twice. Crystal is 18 years old. We’ve come to understand that she is not mentally stable. We are at the point where we are praying for her to give us Taylor willingly so we can place him with a family who can give him the medical care and general support he needs.
When explaining Taylor’s dyer situation to his mom, Crystal, we see that her body language and expression communicate that she clearly understands that cutting off Taylor’s cast for the second time leaves him with no options for his future as far as walking or living a “normal” life. After she did it the first time, she was sternly warned by the doctors and missionaries not to do this again, but here we are.
Please note: contacting the authorities in this country is useless. They will do nothing to re-home Taylor, even temporarily, and even when proof of neglect or abuse is evident.
Again, Crystal is not well. She was used by her own mother as a means to get handouts and so this is all she knows. If she keeps Taylor “sick” then she will likely get more handouts more easily than if she would trust God to heal him and provide for them.
Please join us in praying that God will rescue this family, in Jesus name!
“For nothing will be impossible with God.” Luke 1:37
June 2023
Upon returning to Roatan Island, Joey regrets to write that nothing has changed in Taylor’s situation. Joey watched Taylor’s grandmother and mother (all dressed up) leave their small children ALONE with no electricity, food or water. With no clue of where they went or when they’ll be back. It’s inexcusable, irresponsible and criminal.
Pictured below are Taylor’s aunt, Angela, and uncle, David, (yes, they are not much older than he). They share in Taylor’s pain of neglect by their parents.
Joey remains in Honduras this week and will continue to fight and plead for Taylor’s release. JPM is entirely equipped to care for Taylor. We have missionaries to care for him, generous partners to provide for his medical care.
Now we simply need Taylor’s mother to RELEASE HIM IN JESUS NAME!
We are calling on all of our prayer warriors to join us in this bold prayer! RELEASE TAYLOR!
Taylor’s aunt Angela (video below) is in a similar situation as Taylor. She has a neglectful mother who leaves her alone without food or electricity for hours at a time.
Watch her reaction as she receives a Barbie from Joey. She is so thankful and genuine in her response. Our hearts break for her. We want these children to be in a loving, caring home. Jesus, rescue your babies.
Pray that God will interrupt the evil agendas of her family and “two specific men” that seek to harm her. Pray that the assignment of the enemy on Taylor, Angela and David’s lives will be BROKEN RIGHT NOW in Jesus’ name!
Sweet baby Taylor, June 2023
We left them Angela, Taylor and their family with a month’s worth of groceries. She needs a month’s worth of prayer. We will return.
Joey and the mission team left Honduras today. Taylor is still in his mother’s custody. Joey asked her to release him multiple times. He gently asked her to let us care for him, get him his medical treatment, etc. She essentially ignored him.
We plainly see Taylor’s mother and grandmother for who they are. Shamefully using this innocent baby for their own gain. They would rather him remain “crippled” and gain sympathy from strangers in begging than fight to have him healed and whole.
They neglect all of their children and go about their lives as if they have no children. The solution for Taylor is so simple, yet it isn’t easy.
Please continue to pray alongside us for the release of Taylor! We’ve recently re-read and continually update the story of the Roatan Five and this story gives us HOPE that these things can take time, but God knows and is working. He has a promise for us:
“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31
September 2023
We were unexpectedly informed that Taylor’s casts were put back on this past Friday, September 8th! We have no idea how or why, but nevertheless, we are so grateful that Taylor has another chance at healing!