1 Million Children
Daily by 2028
The Problem?
1 out of 6 children (roughly 100 million) in developing countries are underweight.
More than 900,000 people worldwide are fighting to survive in famine-like conditions.
Up to 828 million people go to bed hungry every night.
Our Solution?

How it works:
While our two main vehicles for feeding 1 million children daily are through drilling wells & sponsoring children, we encounter other issues that directly affect the issue of hunger. Some of those issues include child trafficking, war & conflict and poverty. See our cyclical diagram to understand the different facets of our organization and how you can best partner with us!

“The world believes
in what we do,
not what we say.”
— Joey Potter
Pray with us in feeding 1 million children daily by 2028.
Pray with us in feeding 1 million children daily by 2028.

they’re the
An invitation to partner with us in praying for individual children within the JPM network.

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